Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today in Class I had learned some brand new information regarding lighting and it's importance throughout the 3d landscape of Maya, cinematography and just general entertainment.  I had assembled the basic basis of the sphere and it's plane and am now working to develop the atmosphere and the pure technicalities that come along with the lighting of the sphere.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I feel as if Thingiverse is a great universal platform that will definitely and is definitely innovating the future of consumerism. It's so amazing to be able to have an open source environment to post and upload common essential facts to virtually any platform needed. The community itself is amazing in the same sense of the open source culture and will definitely lead the digital market place in terms of renovation. Here are a couple examples of amazing innovation i found on the website.

Friday, November 8, 2013

           Today I spent the majority of class fixing up my sketches for the shape way project and i basically Photoshopped my idea of what i intially would like to do. I want to explore a new alternative towards 3d printing so i figured I'd print a true framed picture... I haven't really seen anything like this before so the results should be quite interesting.

Monday, November 4, 2013


                        Today I spent the majority of class revising my helmet upon further improvements and clearing up the edges and the softened mesh of the exterior appearance. I'm almost done with the helmet. I just need to revise the piece a little bit more and make sure the edges are right for the the front part of the helmet where the goggles are externally placed.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

helmet modified

          I slightly modified the helmet by changing the borders along the selected path ways. Along side the transitional circumferential of the helmet I changed the lighting and differed the dimensions to partial degrees to resonate the contrast from the previous helmet.

Cup finished


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

helmet finished

          Today i spent the day focusing on the helmet and was finally able to finish it. It took me a while to complete the assignment but i finally got it done, along with a sketch of my project but i won't post it as im not even near being done with it.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Today i spent the day observing and learning how to use the basic software called sketchbook. I spent the majority of the class playing around with the hardware and basically finding time and energy to develop the simple principles and basics needed towards rejuvenating the software. I feel as if with a little bit more time i'd be better at using the software and basically developing a knack for the imprint.

Friday, October 4, 2013

 Today I spent the majority of class doing make up work from last class and basically viewing and idolizing the creative art designs i had found on Shapeway. I had picked the designed I had wanted to do and did some research behind the objects to see how feasible they would be and basically catch inspiration in a bottle by the artistic faces i had seen. I want to make something that involves the combination of minimalistic art and high end fashion. Here are the designs i had seen.

Monday, September 30, 2013

                Today I have finished the deformers project and basically started the detail towards the animal helmet. It took me a while to get the deformers to where i needed them to be but over all i feel happy with my accomplishments today and hope i can continue to prosper.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

           Today I spent my time partially finishing the remainder of the blog due to issues of the servers last class and trying to finish the deforming activity. I had difficulties working my way around the initial steps which had set me back for at least 10-20 minutes out of paranoia of doing something wrong and the notes weren't really that viable a tool since it's not specific in it's directions. Luckily i had someone help me get to the point I'm at but it's still filled with errors that i hope to fix next class.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Finished The temple.

I finished the temple and I'm almost done with the parallel line project along with the 4 cubes. By Next class I should be caught up on mostly everything making me relevant and up to date on the assignment. I just need to polish some minor steps in the earlier projects and I'm done. But as for the temple it's completely done!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


               Today i have progressed on the temple towards astounding results. I have grouped and layered the bases for the temple. Alongside the basic structure I added the roof and surroundings to it. The task was a little complicated but I was able to get the assignment this far with the exception of the coloration as it still needs to be polished. Besides that i plan to finish the temple by next class and also finish what i have so far for the mini lesson involving parallel lines with the curve tool.

Monday, September 9, 2013

                            Today I had to restart the temple from scratch as i had failed to save the temple back properly last class. MY priorities include coming after school and finishing the temple before Wednesday so i can finally finish the project and move on to do greater things in this class.
                                         This is the restarted incomplete temple at the moment
     I was put into 3d Graphics and animations for the sole purpose of the academic credit. Although as blunt as it sounds I've been invigorated into a world of imagination,technicality and just general pleasure. I always had some idea as to how Maya worked and how 3d animations were designed but this class gives me a clear image as to how much work goes into making 3 dimensional art regardless of what it is. Everything from movies, to video games and living animated sculptures rupture throughout the basic  understanding of the software Maya and being in this class I yearn to expand my horizons and in short better myself through a creative standpoint.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3d graphics

                    This post symbolizes I understand the components towards building and posting on a blog proficiently.