Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I feel as if Thingiverse is a great universal platform that will definitely and is definitely innovating the future of consumerism. It's so amazing to be able to have an open source environment to post and upload common essential facts to virtually any platform needed. The community itself is amazing in the same sense of the open source culture and will definitely lead the digital market place in terms of renovation. Here are a couple examples of amazing innovation i found on the website.

Friday, November 8, 2013

           Today I spent the majority of class fixing up my sketches for the shape way project and i basically Photoshopped my idea of what i intially would like to do. I want to explore a new alternative towards 3d printing so i figured I'd print a true framed picture... I haven't really seen anything like this before so the results should be quite interesting.

Monday, November 4, 2013


                        Today I spent the majority of class revising my helmet upon further improvements and clearing up the edges and the softened mesh of the exterior appearance. I'm almost done with the helmet. I just need to revise the piece a little bit more and make sure the edges are right for the the front part of the helmet where the goggles are externally placed.